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Pitch Deck

Offering comprehensive assistance in creating captivating investment pitch decks that are sure to captivate investors and distinguish your startup from the competition.


High Pitch Deck rejection rates

The rate of rejection for pitch decks is notably high, with approximately 50% of startup presentations failing to progress beyond the initial screening phase by investors. Despite founders meticulously attending to every detail and inundating their decks with "investor-friendly" buzzwords, they often overlook the fundamental aspects that investors truly seek.

Why do Investors reject Pitch Decks?

Using Complicated Concepts and Language

Unattractive Visuals and

Confusing or
Absent Metrics

Missing Target


Incomplete or
Unclear Information


We specialize in crafting pitch decks that significantly boost investor conversions.

Track Record

Our seasoned pitch consultants have secured over £420K in funding for clients. With extensive experience, we understand what it takes to excel in fundraising.

Comprehensive Expertise

Combining expertise in growth-hacking, corporate finance, storytelling, and design, we transform complex business ideas into compelling investment narratives

Holistic Approach

Beyond copyediting and design, we conduct a thorough analysis of your startup's core business fundamentals, to ensure the deck communicates a clear and persuasive investment proposition.

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Why Choose Us

Step into the realm of unparalleled expertise with our team of seasoned business professionals, entrepreneurs, and pitch deck consultants. Together, we're poised to propel your pitch into a realm of unprecedented success.


Our pitch decks adeptly articulate your core business ideas in a language that resonates with investors. With our assistance, you'll secure coveted VC meetings and funding for your venture.
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Strategic & Emotional Narrative

Blend financial storytelling with strategic narrative, infusing emotional appeal where appropriate. We strive to captivate both the hearts and minds of investors to propel your project forward.
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Tailored Pitch Deck Solutions

Experience bespoke VC pitch decks meticulously crafted through rigorous investment research. No generic templates or recycled concepts—just customized solutions for every client.
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Engage in an open, collaborative process where your startup pitch deck benefits from the collective expertise of our strategy, storytelling, and design mavens.
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Comprehensive Business Analysis

Move beyond product-centric presentations to include vital metrics, business model economics, and a robust go-to-market strategy. We help bridge the gap for success.
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As seasoned veterans who've helped raise funding, we're dedicated to offering proactive feedback and sharing industry best practices to bolster your success.
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Our Approach

How we design better


In this initial stage, we undertake a brief assessment of your project to gain deeper insights into its current state, funding goals, vision, timelines, and more.


Here, we delve into the core aspects of your business—examining essential metrics, positioning, business model, and go-to-market strategy. Our aim is to identify any potential gaps and devise a structured framework to seamlessly integrate these elements into a compelling business narrative that resonates with potential investors.


Once we've meticulously outlined the foundational elements of your business, we develop a narrative supported by rich content and polished design elements, facilitating engaging storytelling experiences.


We collaborate with you to ensure the prompt delivery of your investor pitch deck, incorporating your feedback throughout the process. This iterative approach allows us to make necessary revisions and ensure that the final product not only meets your requirements but also surpasses your expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

A startup pitch deck typically encompasses a well-structured narrative covering the business model, market positioning, team composition, and financial projections. These elements collectively offer investors a concise yet comprehensive overview of the company’s growth potential and serve to entice investment.

While a presentation can significantly enhance engagement and secure initial meetings with investors, it does not assure investment success. Various factors such as business model viability, market dynamics, and due diligence procedures influence investment decisions. Nonetheless, a compelling investor pitch deck greatly enhances the likelihood of securing investor interest.

Your investor presentation should encapsulate vital aspects of your business, including a clear value proposition, vision, go-to-market strategy, market positioning, and funding requirements. Our expertise lies in assisting you in identifying key information and crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with investors.

The number of slides in an investor deck can vary depending on its purpose. While a concise pitch deck may comprise up to 15 slides, some investors may request a brief 2-slide teaser initially, with the possibility of a more detailed presentation later on, spanning approximately 25 slides.

The duration required to create a pitch deck varies based on factors such as project complexity and industry dynamics. On average, our process takes approximately two to three weeks. However, timelines may extend or shorten depending on project intricacies, with some projects completed within three days and others spanning over a month.

We prioritize the security and confidentiality of client data by implementing stringent measures such as confidentiality agreements, secure storage systems, and access controls. Regular security audits further bolster our commitment to safeguarding client information and ensuring data privacy.

Certainly! We specialize in enhancing existing pitch decks to maximize their effectiveness in securing investment. Upon reviewing your presentation, we identify areas for improvement and collaborate with you to refine and optimize your deck, thereby enhancing its appeal to investors and increasing your chances of success.

Absolutely! Client confidentiality is paramount to our operations. While we may showcase successful client logos and testimonials with their consent, we uphold strict confidentiality protocols to safeguard client information and honor their privacy preferences.

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